Welcome to Grace Church Leith and a special warm welcome to you if you are visiting us for the first time.
Tea and Coffee
Tea and Coffee are available before and after the service so please stay to chat! We look forward to meeting you.
Grace Kids Clubs
Children are very welcome and we want them to feel part of the church as much as the adults. We don’t mind if they make a bit of noise!
There is a creche and Sunday club available after the first part of the service, just follow the crowd!
Our youth group meets every Sunday in the church building from 5.30-6.30pm
Community Groups
Community groups are central to our church life and everyone is welcome at them. Groups meet for dinner each week and spend time looking at the Bible together. They are a great way to get to know others and we hope that our groups are open and honest with room for wrestling with the big questions and challenges that come with the Christian faith.
If you’d like to “try out” a group or find out more about which group might suit you best then speak to Athole or check out the link below.
Men’s Weekly Bible Study
The men's Bible study meets in the large café every Tuesday from 12.30-1.30pm.
Those with small children are welcome to bring them as the creche space will be available. Please turn up on Tuesday or contact us if you are interested.
Women’s Weekly Bible Study
There are a growing number of midweek women’s Bible study groups.
These meet at various locations and times. If you'd like to get involved in one of these groups then speak to Athole, or contact us.